
FujiQ HighLand


1.You can get to FujiQ Highland by using Sinkansen. First, take a JR Toukaido Sinkansen, and go to Sinfuji station. At that station, you can get spesial bus which is bound for FujiQ Highland.

2.You can also get there by kousoku bus. Meitetsu bus has special bus which directly bound for FujiQ Highland from Nagoya station. It cost about 9,000yen including freepass ticket.

(for reseavation →0555-72-2922 )

if you want to know detail for special kousoku bus→http://www.fujiq.jp/access/access_02.html


Freepass ticket

3-11 year old :3,500yen
12-17 :4,300yen
over18 years:4,800yen
●open hour●
(Weekends 9:00-20:00)

Please have a look at the picture of a roller coaster

This is FUJIYAMA, one of the most famous and thrilling roller coasters in Japan.
・Highest point :79M
・fastest point: 130Km/h
・degrees of fall: 65degrees
・time of ride: 3:36
・ cost of instruction: 3billion
links for official site of FujiQ HighLand→http://www.fujiq.jp/

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