
Nagashima Spa-Land

Nagashima Spa-Land is located in Mie prefecture of Kuana city.
There are many places to visit and things to do at Nagashima Resort.
For example, there are not only Nagashima Spa-Land
but alsoNabana no Sato, Hotel to stay, Hot Spring and Jazz Dream Nagashima.
Nabana no Sato is beautiful place which there are things of each seasons.
Every season, we can enjoy visiting there.
Nagashima Spa-Land has famous roller corsters.
There are also many interesting attractions.

Open hour
12.1~2.29weekend:9:00~17:00 weekday:10:00~16:30
3.1~7.18weekend:9:00~18:00 weekday:9:30~17:00
7.19~9.23 pool open!
9.24 ~11.30 9:00~17:30
12.1~H21.1.31weekend:9:30~17:00 weekday10:00~16:30
H21.2.1~H21.2.28weekend9:00~17:00 weekday9:00~21:00

Junior&High school:3,100yen
over 3 years:1,300yen

Nagashima Spa-Land has very big pool in summer.
There are many exciting water slider.Many people visit every summer.
After playing amusument park or pool,visiter can enjoy hot spring.
This hot spring name is Nagashima hot spring.
Jazz Dream is big shopping mall. There are many good shops to buy.
There are outlet mall. Cold Stone Ice Cream Shop is my special ice cream shop.
You must enjoy and have a good time there.

FujiQ HighLand


1.You can get to FujiQ Highland by using Sinkansen. First, take a JR Toukaido Sinkansen, and go to Sinfuji station. At that station, you can get spesial bus which is bound for FujiQ Highland.

2.You can also get there by kousoku bus. Meitetsu bus has special bus which directly bound for FujiQ Highland from Nagoya station. It cost about 9,000yen including freepass ticket.

(for reseavation →0555-72-2922 )

if you want to know detail for special kousoku bus→http://www.fujiq.jp/access/access_02.html


Freepass ticket

3-11 year old :3,500yen
12-17 :4,300yen
over18 years:4,800yen
●open hour●
(Weekends 9:00-20:00)

Please have a look at the picture of a roller coaster

This is FUJIYAMA, one of the most famous and thrilling roller coasters in Japan.
・Highest point :79M
・fastest point: 130Km/h
・degrees of fall: 65degrees
・time of ride: 3:36
・ cost of instruction: 3billion
links for official site of FujiQ HighLand→http://www.fujiq.jp/


Nagashima Spa-Land

HOW TO ACCESS to Nagashima Spa-Land

You can go by bus from Nagoya Station.
Please take the bus which is bound for Nagashima Resort.
The bus leave Meitetsu Bus Center near Meitetsu Department.
There are a Nana-chan Doll near the center.
You could find soon at Nagoya Station.

You can get the bus ticket at thicket post at the center.

one way :1000yen
round way:1800yen


Nagashima Spa-Land☆

This is Nagashima Spa-Land!
This picture is whole of this land .
There are many exciting attractions.
There are famous roller coasters.
They are very popular.
You can enjoy all day.
Accessing is easy, because you can use the diarect bus from Nagoya Station.
Next to the park, there are outlet mall. The mall is the biggest shopping mall. It is JazzDream Nagashima. You can enjoy shopping after playing land, too.


Basic infomation∮

●Access to Nagoya Castle●
By public facilities for travel
・ Subway Meijyo line: get off Shiyakusyo station and take a 5munites walk.
・ Subway Tsurumai line: get off Sengenncyo station and take a 10munites walk.

Adult → 500yen
Child(under the junior high) → free

●Open/Close time●
9am to 4:30pm
It takes 1hour to look around.

●Closed Day●
29-31 Dec,1 Jan

Nagoya castle early evening festival on Aug 8th- 17th.
Nagoya castle will be 400years in2012. This festival started in2006 for 2012.
There are so many events during this festival. You can see or enjoy the Bon dancing, eat Japanese food like Takoyaki or Japanese sweets. Also only theseday you can look around night Nagoya castle. During this festival only!!! Don't missing it!

●Histrory of Nagoya castle●
Nagoya castle was built at Edo era. Tokugawa Ieyasu who is decided to build it for his son Yoshinao to live in. It famous for Kinno-syachihoko and called gold castle. When the war in the Pacific, Nagoya castle was burnt down and after the war it was built again.


Nagoya Castle

Thins is a picuture of Nagoya castle in winter. You know, Nagoya castle is famous for sprong - cherry blossom but I recommend you to visit other three seasons. To tell the truth, I wanted to upload three more picture ( spring, summer and autumn) but it's difficult to arrange all pictures together...

●Nagoya Castle Official HP●



 Ise shrine is one of the most important shrines in Japan. It is worth visiting there to see the Japanese culture. Also, Okage-Yokotyou, next to Ise Shrine is very good. We can enjoy the Japanese cultural town. There streets are lined with neat rows of stores and houses. Moreover the souvenirs we can buy there are very attractive and interesting. We can get traditional foods such as Akafuku, pickled vegetables and traditional handicraft such as chopsticks, dyed fabric, etc. They are all wonderful and beautiful.


ISE general information

Jingu is often introduced in the dictionary as "Ise Jingu." However, the official name is "Jingu" without "Ise." Jingu is principally composed of the Naiku where Amaterasu Omikami, the ancestral kami of the Imperial Family, is worshiped and Geku where Toyouke Omikami, the kami of agriculture and industry, is worshiped.
Naiku is the alternative name for Kotaijingu, the sanctuary that is located in the southern part of Ise city, Mie, and was founded about 2000 years ago.
Geku is the alternative name for Toyoukedaijingu. This sanctuary is located in the center of Ise city, Mie, and was founded about 1500 years ago.
In the area around Jingu, 125 subsidiary shinto sanctuaries are distributed. 91 of them are connected with the Naiku and 32 with the Geku.
Jingu is described in the oldest Japanese books "Kojiki" and "Nihonshoki", edited about 1300 years ago. Many generations of our ancestors have worshiped at the Jingu, which exists now just as it was at its beginning.

How to worship The general procedure to worship the kami is as follows.
(1) Bow very deeply twice.
(2) Clap your hands twice at the height of your chest.
(3) Worship with your hands held together.
(4) Bow once more very deeply.

Hours for worshiping

January to February → 5:00 am - 5:30 pm
March to April, September to October → 5:00 am - 6:00 pm
May through August → 4:00 am - 7:00 pm
November to December → 5:00 am - 5:00 pm
December 31 to January 6 → Every day, 24 hours



Ise is one of the cities in Mie prefecture, which next to Aichi. However it takes about 2 hours to get Ise by car, so using train is better than car.

Using "JR Kaisoku Mie", you can directly get Ise station from Nagoya station. It takes about hour and half, and cost 1940 yen from Nagoya to Ise.



This is the main shop of Akafuku.
As you know, Akafuku couldn't sell their food for quite a while. This picture was taken on 18th November, 2007.
Unluckily, I could not have Akafuku!
Akafuku Co. started selling Akafuku again recently.
Many many people were making a long line in front of the shop.